мед страхование

Приложение 3. Краткий доклад выступления на английском языке.

Health Insurance - a combination of insurance, providing for the obligation of the insurer for insurance payments in the amount of partial or full compensation for additional expenses of the insured, the insured caused by treatment to a medical facility for medical services included in the health insurance program.

Voluntary health insurance - a form of insurance in case of loss of health, which provides full or partial reimbursement of medical expenses. Socio-economic importance of medical insurance to supplement guarantees health care provided to the public free of charge through the system of budget financing of health facilities and health insurance.

As subjects of voluntary health insurance are: citizen insured, medical insurance companies (insurers), medical institution. Policyholders with voluntary health insurance are the individuals who have civil legal capacity, or (ii) the company representing the interests of citizens. Health insurance organizations are the legal entities engaged in voluntary health insurance and having a government permit (license) for the right to engage in voluntary health insurance. Medical institutions in the voluntary health insurance are licensed health care facilities, medical research institutes, and other institutions that provide health care, as well as persons engaged in medical activities, both individually and collectively.

The object of medical insurance is an insurance risk associated with the cost of medical care in the event of accident. Insurance risk is the supposed event, in case of occurrence of which is held insurance. The event, considered as an insurance risk, should be characteristic of randomness and probability of its occurrence.

Premium rates for voluntary health insurance are set by mutual agreement. Fees for medical and other services in the voluntary health insurance are set by agreement between the organization and the medical insurance company, organization, institution or person providing the services. Speaking of health insurance in Russia, it must be said that the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 41 provides for the right to health and medical care. Economic guarantees represent the system, central to which is occupied by the state (budget) financing, compulsory health insurance (CHI) and the Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI). Voluntary health insurance has a place of economic guarantees the right to health, and is one of the most powerful among them.

Voluntary health insurance is based on the voluntary health insurance and provides the citizens to obtain additional medical and other services in excess of the mandatory health insurance programs.

Voluntary health insurance is based on the contract between the insured and the insurer, in accordance with the undertaking (or its representative - insurance agent) issued to each insured individual insurance medical insurance policy, which states: 1. Name of the insurance programs of voluntary health insurance, has selected in the contract LCA. 2. The list of medical and service institutions, which if necessary can refer the insured person. 3. The sum insured - the maximum total cost of medical services, which under this insurance policy LCA can get this insured person.

Consider the differences between LCA of the MLA. They are as follows: - First, the insurance obligation for mandatory health insurance stems from the law, and the voluntary health insurance is only based on contracts. - Secondly, the main difference between compulsory and voluntary health insurance is in the sphere of relations arising between their actors in the provision of care by insurance funds. If mandatory health insurance is to ensure social interests of citizens, employers, and the state's interests, the voluntary health insurance is only realized in order to ensure social interests of citizens (individual or collective) and employers. - Third, the insured under compulsory health insurance are the executive authorities and the employers, the voluntary health insurance - the citizens and employers. - Fourthly, compulsory and voluntary health insurance vary widely by region, insurance - they have not only the various insurers, and insurers. In medical insurance - is non-governmental organizations, having any legal form, the mandatory health insurance - government organizations. - Sixth, compulsory and voluntary health insurance also vary by source of funding.

Unlike medical insurance for mandatory health insurance life insurance period is independent of the period for payment of insurance premiums, and the insurer is liable in the absence of payment of insurance premiums.

Quality control system for MLA determined by agreement of the parties, under the leadership of the state administration, as determined by the agreement with VHI.

Voluntary health insurance in the Russian Federation has broad prospects. For the development of this type of insurance to insurance companies must first use the principles of marketing to the organization of work to potential customers, including both individuals and business leaders, so that they understand for all the benefits of the LCA.

For insurance companies operating in the market of LCA, we can offer the following marketing efforts: - Promotion of the distinctive qualities of the goods - the creation of new insurance products. - The introduction of individual medical insurance policy for this promising segment, how are immigrants who do not have a policy of compulsory health insurance.

As a rational decision is to open their own private insurance clinics. For more effective development of health insurance in Russia and make the right decisions in this area, we should pay attention to the experience of other countries with developed insurance system. One of these countries is the USA. USA insurance business differs huge scale and a strong lead in the global insurance market for all possible parameters.

In the USA, there are two types of insurance companies: mutual insurance companies and corporations. State insurance firms does not exist. Shares of joint stock companies can acquire both physical and legal persons. Insurance companies carry out three types of insurance: 1) commercial (wide range); 2) private (insurance of buildings, vehicles and other property of citizens); 3) bekifit (life and health insurance, health, pension, savings, etc.)

Insurance in the USA is divided into two sectors: life insurance and other insurance.

The largest companies in the USA life insurance to take control of many billions belonging to various pension funds. The problem of insurance companies in this case - through reasonable investment policy to ensure the safety and growth of trust assets. For the management of these funds insurance companies charge a commission of 0.1% of the amounts collected in the management, which brings millions of revenue.

The American health care - one of the largest industries in the country. In the USA, health insurance is voluntary and is carried out almost entirely by employers.

Currently, the USA government also pays more than 40% of health spending within the major programs - "Medicaid" and "Medicare." Below is a graph of the cost of "Medicare" and "Medicaid" in comparison with the general, public and private, USA spending on health as a percentage of GDP.

But there are many Americans who are not covered by any kind of insurance. In the USA, there are three types of hospitals: public, private, profitable (commercial), private "non-profit". Profitable private or commercial, hospitals - the usual private-enterprise companies with their characteristic features. They form their capital to individual, group and shareholder base.

Public hospitals are funded state and federal government, ie entirely by taxpayers. They serve as a general rule, government officials, war veterans, people with disabilities, persons with mental illness and tuberculosis.

"Non-profit" private hospitals are local municipalities with public funds, private individuals and various organizations and charities. These hospitals are private corporations, the initial capital of which is formed by subscription founders, and as a commercial organization, they provide services for a fee.

Comparing Health Insurance in the Russian Federation and the United States, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. In the USA, much of the life insurance and liability issued 900 companies located in all states. Assets of insurance companies in the order of $ 1.3 trillion.

In Russia, 50 companies concentrated in the hands of 57% of income on voluntary types of insurance services.

2. Americans generally interact with the small companies that make up 90 - 95% of the USA insurance system. They strive to please the customer, take into account the specifics of insurance. Russian customers have more confidence in a large insurance company based in Moscow and is often associated with the government.

3. Status of the insurer and insurance agent in the USA is quite high, and the relation to insurance agents trust. In Russia 4 years ago voluntary insurance was popular. Inflation, fraud, and other legislative practices have undermined the faith. Today the company is engaged in voluntary insurance should work very well: to provoke a potential policyholder, to conduct a serious advertising campaign to convince the client of the need for insurance, that insurance policy will protect him.

4. The number of uninsured Americans, according to various estimates, between 20 and 50 million. (8-20% of the population). In Russia there are no citizens without medical insurance, unnecessarily it is issued at birth.

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