
International Business Styles

National culture is very important in determining the business style: The characteristics of management often vary according to the particular culture.

For example, the Australian business culture can be described as follows. You should be punctual, but you must understand that Australians sometimes have a casual attitude toward time. In some cases, if you are a few minutes late to a meeting, it will be overlooked. In other instances your late arrival may be perceived as careless.. Business dress is conservative. Men wear a dark suit and tie. Suits, skirts and blouses, or dresses are standard for women. Some workplaces have a “casual Friday” policy where casual dress may be worn on Fridays. Australians generally prefer direct eye contact. People who avoid eye contact are not perceived as trustworthy.

France. Punctuality is taken very casually in France, so being 10 minutes late is never considered disrespectful. Always shake hands when meeting someone. The French have a great respect for privacy. Knock and wait before entering into a room. Business dress: You will be expected to dress conservatively and invest in well-tailored clothing. Patterned fabrics and dark colors are most acceptable, but avoid bright colors. If you do not speak French, it is very important that you apologize for your lack of knowledge. The French frequently interrupt each other. Eye contact is frequent and intense.

Germany: Punctuality is a necessity in Germany. Being late, even if it is only by a few minutes, is very insulting to a German executive. Germans do not like surprises. Sudden changes in business transactions are not welcome. Business is viewed as being very serious and Germans do not appreciate humour in a business context. Business dress is very conservative. Men wear dark suits, solid, conservative ties, and white shirts. Women also dress conservatively, in dark suits and white blouses. Chewing gum while talking to someone is considered rude. Germans love to talk on the telephone. While important business decisions are not made over the phone, expect many follow up calls or faxes.

Italy. “Time is money” is not a common phrase in Italy. Do not expect quick decisions or actions to take place, as the Italian bureaucracy and legal systems are rather slow. Business dress: In the business world, good clothes are a signature of success. Men should wear fashionable, high quality suits. Shirts may be colored or pin-striped, and they should be paired with an Italian designer suit. Women dress in quiet, expensive elegance. Quality accessories such as shoes and leather goods will make a good impression with Italians. What about Conversation, Italians appear very lively in both private and business communication. They interrupt each other while striving to make their point. Avoid talking about religion, politics, and 2nd World War.

Japan. If you are invited to a social event, punctuality is not expectedCasual dress is never appropriate in a business setting. Women should not wear pants in a business situation. Women should wear low-heeled shoes to avoid towering over men. In conversation The Japanese prefer not to use the word no. They may simply respond with a yes but clearly mean no. The customary greeting is the bow. If you are greeted with a bow, return with a bow as low as the one you received. How low your bow determines the status of the relationship between you and the other individual.

All what I said means that if you go to the international negotiations or discussions with your foreign colleagues, first of all you should study in detail the business culture of their country. You need it, because you must look properly, know how you should speak with them and certainly not to offend your colleagues.