
Business and the Environment

We live in a consumer society; We consider it important to buy products and services. Companies need to be aware of the impact of this on the environment, the natural world around us.

In a market where the enterprise’s work is measured by indicators of profitability and efficiency, free of charge of natural resources often generates a thriftless relation to it. Nowadays almost no payments for natural resources, except for the fee to take water for industrial purposes.

There are some natural resources which used by enterprises and organizations free of charge. There are include agricultural territories, coal, environment as a location for industrial waste, etc.

Fee for resources intended to regulate relationships between the state and any company on a specific natural factor. The purpose of its introduction is to create economic conditions for the functioning of individual enterprises and industries, which exploit nature and encourage the rational use of natural resources.

Nowadays, management of industrial companies don’t think about the fact that its activities are harm to the environment. The atmosphere becomes soiled, deforestation, pollution of water resources. In a pursuit of profit, people don’t notice that they destroy the world around them. Perhaps, the fee for use and damage to natural resources will set thinking the management of the companies about how many resources they consume, and how little give in return.