Divisional structure
Also called a "product structure", the divisional structure groups each organizational function into a division. Each division within a divisional structure contains all the necessary resources and functions within it. Divisions can be categorized from different points of view. One might make distinctions on a geographical basis (a US division and an EU division, for example) or on product/service basis (different products for different customers: households or companies
- Company Structures
- Functional structure
- Divisional structure
- Matrix structure
- Recruitment
- Retailing
- Franchising
- International Business Styles
- Banking
- Business and the Environment
- The Stock Market
- Import Export
- Company Performance
- Presentations
- Setting up a business
- If you want to set up a business, you will have to write a business plan.
- Corporate Alliances and Acquisitions
- Marketing
- Product and corporate advertising
- The business media